Located in the back corner of our restaurant is the handmade brick oven that is home to our flame. It burns locally sourced wood from fallen maple and hickory trees and allows us to serve the Neapolitan pizzas that we’re known for. More importantly though, our flame symbolizes something bigger than what most would expect. From the beginning, it has continued to burn 24-7-365. The hard work required to keep its embers lit demonstrates the commitment, dedication, and sacrifice that our team endures to deliver a product that we consider the best. To put it simply our flame represents our culture and our character. It will never give up and never go out. In one moment it takes us back to the good ol’ days, yet in the next it reminds us that the future will continue to burn bright. This is why we’re honored to share its story and give you the opportunity to say “hello’ to our old flame.


Word On The Street